This week's manly quote:
"Renewal is what happens when you realize that some of this stuff you’ve been carrying around doesn’t matter.”
- Rob Bell
*Scroll down for breaking news about two new virtual support groups!*
This week, those of us who live in New England are getting our first real bout of winter. You probably find that our bodies want to do what many animals do when it's this cold: hibernate.
It is a beautiful thing to follow the changing of seasons and let nature dictate how quickly we move, what foods we eat, when we wake up and fall asleep, etc.
If you are among the many who feel the need to rest during the winter season, we suggest taking some time to really define what that means - because rest can be so much more than putting our bodies in seated and horizontal positions.
What would it take for the mind to be restful? To not jump from thought to thought, playing catchup with self-imposed deadlines, constantly comparing ourselves to some idea of how we think we should be spending our time? And what is needed for the emotional body/nervous system to be at rest, to truly feel nourished and calm in a deep way?
There are, of course, many answers to these questions. Here is one suggestion to follow: notice how much of our mental energy is spent thinking we are not good enough. To be fair, our culture does not make this easy! We are constantly being pressured to work and do more and be "successful". Well, let's make this week's Warrior challenge a redefining of what it means to be successful. Let's all trust that we are going to show up and do our best on any given day, even if "our best" means not accomplishing much in the traditional sort of way.
Per usual, we've got our Weekly Men's Circle tonight, a virtual space where the only requirement is to show up as ourselves. Messiness is always welcome.
PLUS! Starting at the end of February, we will be offering a Weekly Women's Circle (Mondays, 6:30pm) and an Open/All Gender Circle (Thursdays, 8pm). These will be similar to our longstanding men's circle: free, virtual, and always welcoming. Please spread the word! More details coming soon.